As everyone thinks research is very interesting, innovative and tough, it is sad that sometimes we tend to do something which is already done with slight changes, complexify it and publish and get publications. And as we say it, we tend to do it ourselves. Like taking an already attacked application, already used methods do some permutation of different methods and think we are doing great research. May it will be much better if we try to think afresh about a new, unattacked application and devise a simple method to solve it, even if it is very simple. Given that we do lot of literature survey, we get many new ideas to use them, but we should not get carried away by what others have already done. We may get inspired from others work, but for our own research we must have our own different, novel ideas. As it is always not possible that our new ideas work, we tend to do this dull and boring part of research. Hope we will get over it and make it more interesting.